I hate goodbyes...really do! This is what i hate about my job. People come and go easily. But i know true friends are not measured by distance, rather they will always stay with you anywhere you are...
Unfortunately, one of my good friends here at the office bid goodbye yesterday, July 13, 2012. She needed to transfer to a new project where she could be happier. Goodluck friend, you will always be in my heart. We will still be seeing each other!
Don't you worry that!
I have created a simple remembrance to Evelyn which was posted in my facebook account a few days ago and i wanna share it to you guys. Here it is:
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. I am thankful, for your friendship and for your sisterhood. We may be apart in distance but never in heart. How lucky i am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to. But i know, no goodbyes for us. I will always be here for you...We will always be a “2B Group” We love you!"

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